West Wing

West Wing

The project consists of the permitted development of part of Spelthorne’s Council office building, part of which was deemed surplus to requirements.
20211214 123701

The original building was built in 1972 with an extension added in circa 1984, and this later part was appropriate for conversation based on the construction and layout.

The scheme comprises of 4 storeys delivering 25 apartments, ranging from studio to 3 bedrooms, with the upper storey occupying the former roof attic space. Parking provision to the front and side of the building was identified and separated from the existing office allocation alongside waste and cycling storage provision.

The internal remodelling required the removal of one of the staircases in-line with a comprehensive fire engineered and acoustic strategies, including mechanical smoke extraction. The two lift allocation was also divided as part of their decommission and replacement. One of the lifts remained in the Council offices domain and the other provided access to the apartments. Other alterations included replacement windows throughout, enlargement of the top floor windows to provide Juliet balcony type windows with flat metal bar balustrades and new roof coverings.

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