Planning received for a second amenity building at ARC Uxbridge

dn-a are delighted to announce that planning consent has been granted by Buckingham Council for a second amenity building at ARC Uxbridge, on behalf of ARC.

The proposals are part of ARC’s future aspirations for the business park and follow on from the success of the first amenity building, The Clubhouse.. This provided additional events space as part of the Campus experience at Uxbridge. This building is designed to provide high quality and flexible event or function spaces, to cater for the demands of a multi-tenanted, successful, and thriving business park environment.

1424 PL 101 Proposed Site Plan 1

The aim is to be sympathetic to the natural context while delivering a high quality, functional amenity provision for the Campus. The position and placement of this new building was carefully considered to ensure boundaries with the natural Park land environment were maintained and existing pedestrian and vehicular routes were utilised to avoid further impact. It was essential that the new amenity building complimented the existing Clubhouse, through its materiality, as well as demonstrating its own identity through its functionality. The footprint of the building seeks to reduce its physical impact to adjacent buildings and the wider Park context. While its orientation allows views over the river from inside and an element of transparency through the lower parts of the building. Its height has been limited to respect the massing of the Clubhouse and views from adjacent buildings towards the River and into the Park land beyond.

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The highly efficient all-electric building’s geometry and form demonstrates a conscious effort to minimise the energy demand on internal environment of a building of this nature. The windows to southerly and westerly elevations are minimised and recessed to avoid potential solar heat gain, while the limited plant enclosure is located directly above the larger multi-purpose space, thereby minimising the extent of ductwork required to condition the space. The design of these proposals demonstrates dn-a’s and ARC’s commitment to developing sustainable Campus environments.

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