The intention is that the proposals will be developed and run as affordable rented property for Spelthorne Borough Council in order to target local people on the Housing Waiting Register including key workers.
The proposed development is for 17 residential apartments, a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms, alongside 17 car spaces (with electric charging provision), 20 covered cycle spaces and associated landscaping and service access.
The site has direct access onto the Ashford Road and aims to combine with the hostel to form a wider residential development. The front elevation faces the existing hostel enabling the formation of a shared access route to the parking and landscape areas. The rear facade faces south and looks out to the garden and greenbelt beyond. The form of the building reflects the vernacular of the local architecture and that of the hostel. Screening to balconies on the south elevation provide privacy and mitigate potential overlooking.